Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Importance of e learning in medical education

We can use Moodle open source platform for e-learning.

How to install Moodle in our system and how to make it is available on internet. 

 Software requirements for Moodle  3. 9. 1  

  1. PHP - 7.3.20
  2. Xampp -7.3.20
  3. Maraia DB

Hardware Requirements for Moodle  3. 9. 1 

  1. Basic requirement
  2. i5 Processor
  3. 8 GB Ram 
  4. 1 TB Harddisk


  • Download Latest version of XAMPP (
  • install Xammp(
  • Download Moodle 3.9.1
  • copy Moodle folder and paste it in  localhost (htdocs folder) 
  • Load moodle from localhost
  • Take Browser and type localhost with its port number, by default port number (80). But  port 80 already used, so  changed portnumber into 8012
  • You can see used port numbers in XAMPP control Panel -> Net stat

So type "http://localhost:8012/moodle" The installation setup wizard will open

Before that create a database 

How to create a moodle database?

  • Type http://localhost:8012/phpmyadmin/ your admin panel will open instead of 8012 use your port number or just try http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
  • Click on New button in phpmyadmin then create a database named as "moodle"  
  • Click on Privileges and create a user moodleuser

After that again back to Moodle installation.

Type http://localhost:8012/moodle/ 

Select Language

Then select database

  • Write your web address
  • Write your moodle directory (path where you pasted moodle)
  • Write Data directory

    •  select a language

    • Try to install.
    • Sometimes you may get some errors
    • Clear the errors 
    • Pass the check. 
    • Here some errors 

    First one, “change the database into mariadb"

    How to change database into mariadb?


    Take config.php.

    Let’s see how to change config.php?

    Take config.php (Go to localhost->htdocs then open moodle folder you can see config.php file)

    Change db type into mariadb.

    Again try to pass moodle installation 

    Go to browser type our url (localhost:8012/moodle)

    Then you can see first error has gone. 

    But I had other error.

    Php extension check

    How to solve php intl extension error?

    Take php.ini file then add extension as php_intl.dll




    *remove ";" in front of intl and extension 

    Then restart Apache. 

    After that try to load moodle 

    Type url on address bar 

    Click continue 

    You will receive installation success messages.

    After general settings you will get dashboard.

    Login with admin user id and password, Sometime Moodle page may not redirect properly in that situation comment some line of codes in moodle->admin-> index.php.

    Then it will direct it properly.

    This is Admin Dashboard

    Admin Dashboard

    E-Learning Platform in Medical Education.

    Now your admin login is ready. Login with your admin user id and password. 

    First step we have to do is Set Logo for our Learning Management System

    Login with Admin user credential then you can see Dashboard on left side Site Administration click on site administration and then Appearance.

    Click on logo and browse and upload logo 

    then Save Changes.Now successfully added logo.
    If Your institute have 3 or 4 other colleges you can create categories for it.

    Course Categories in Moodle

    How to create categories in Moodle ?

    Click on site administration then course -> Manage course and categories

    Click on manage course and categories
    Click on Create Category

    How to Edit a category on Moodle ?

    Click on Site administration then go to courses-> Manage course and categories, you can see all  categories . There is setting button against each category . Click on settings

    Then you can edit category name, description etc.
    In the above image you can see a category named as "Miscellaneous"

    can admin change the name of miscellaneous category

     Admin can change it with his/her user credentials. 
    Go to Site administration-> Dashboard then go to courses click on manage course and categories and then Edit you can change the name .

    Miscellaneous category in Moodle

    If you want to hide miscellaneous you can do

    Let's See
    Logon to Admin window go to site administration courses then go to manage course and categories and click eye icon

    then see the change in front page.

    Click on course categories then you can see the details of course.

    how many number of sub-categories can we create in course category?

    If your college has PG and UG courses then create subcategories .

    Login with your Admin credentials and then go to site administration  click on courses then click on manage course and categories.
    Then select Course and click settings button 

    Create new sub category

    how to add users in moodle?

    First login
    Then click on Site administration
    Then users -> Add a new user
    Then you have to give username , Password, First name, Last name etc under General settings .
    You can give User Picture, Additional name for user, His/Her interest and also some optional fields are there.
    let's have a look at general settings

    Here some fields are mandatory ( You should pass a value in to it) mandatory fields are marked with

    Force Password Change on Moodle

    Here you can check force to password change . Just click on square box . What does it means?
    After user creation the user have to change the password after first login .

    Can't create User Accounts

    while user creation you may get some errors

    Here some errors noted on Password creation
    use 8 characters long password
    then there should  be 1 uppercase, lowercase and alphanumeric symbol such as (#$* ) etc.

    Moodle upload users csv file format

    First you have to activate the CSV file format in moodle enrollment method.
    login with your admin user id and password then go to site administration-> Plugins

    Then click on manage enroll Plugins
    Here we can see active plugins

    Here flat file is not active . To active please click on eye button then it will be active .
    now it is activated

    Moodle bulk user upload

    Let's see how to upload Bulk Users in moodle ?

    After activating Flat file go back to site administration click on users -> Upload users

    You can download example.csv file and paste our values under that csv file then save into different name with csv format .Thee example.csv file contains these fields

    add our records instead of that values . Then try to upload users if it is uploaded successfully you can browse user list from site administration-> users-> Browse list of users.

    in the above excel there is no password field . We can assign common password for all users by adding a field "password" in the excel and set password for all users then upload it . 

    Bulk User Actions on Moodle

    Go to site administration -> users-> Bulk user actions
    There is 2 buttons to select users one is Add all and other one is Add to selection

    You can do several operations with selected users
    here I am sending message . Click on send a message and click GO button a text area will come

    and confirm it.
    If the user logged in he/she can see the message

    How to add other Teachers to your Moodle course - Moodle

    Sign in with your admin user id and password
    Go to siteadministration -> Course -> Manage course and categories-> Then select course

    click on settings icon 
    On left side you can see participants
    Then click on Enroll users then you can assign . user in to the course and can assign role .

    Wednesday, July 8, 2020

    How to create moodle cloud account? and How to manage it ?

    Moodle Cloud is very easy to manage online classes , online exams and online assignments. Moodle is opensource and we can setup in our Appache server. But if we go for cloud it will limit user and there is payment. But moodle cloud has some advantages load balancing, can access it any where etc. the rate's may vary for students enrollment . for 50 students it may take $80/year for 100 students it may take $250/year.

    How to create new users
    please go to the site admin 

    Click on users and add new users
    Add caption
    Users List

    In users list we can see their last access.It is very useful if the student whether downloaded the assignment actually.
    Now we have users. Next we have to make a course
    How to make a course?
    To create courses go to site administration then go to Courses
    course creation

    After course creation Add participants .

    click on Home then you can see available course click on it.
    Add participants on  a course

    we can add participants to course by click on Enroll Users button .

    After Enrollment we can view the users list who are enrolled in our course

    After successful enrollment student can access the course assigned for them .Login with their use rid  and password . In home page they can see available courses.
    Here is one student login .

    Click on site home you can see all courses under this category.

    Try to click on Blogging.

    Add a course assignment
    1. Adding assignments to Moodle
    Login as a teacher then click on Home
    click on right side editing button

    Turn Editing on .
    Now you can see an edit button on all topics .

    on right side you can see "Add an activity or course", Click on it
    Click on radio button near to assignment then click Add

    In this you add assignment name, description and can give submission dates.

    can set word limit for online text

    Here you can choose accepted file types and selection .

    If you want all file type you can click on " All file types" .
    After setup you can save it and return to course or save and display .
    Sometimes you will get error .

    Here error is "Cut-off date cannot be earlier than the due date".
    Clear the error and save it.
    Then We can see Grading Summary
    Please go back to home you can see available courses and activity added under the course. In this you can add another resources too.
    Click radio button near file then click on Add button then drag and drop the file from your folder.

    Then save and return to course
    You can see a file under this course
    If we want edit click edit and save. If want to reveal file type and file sixe click on edit then Appearance show the size and file type.
    after all edits you can set editing off
    Now you can see activities under a course
    Logout and return as student. Here Saiju is one of our student. under the course you can see activities
    If students click on the file he can download it .
    In assignment submission he can click Add Submission button . There is 2 way for assignment submission one is file submission and other is text submission
    Here student uploaded his file
    after submission the submission status can view by the student.
    Now login as teacher. Click on Home page list available courses then click on course . Available activities can seen under course. Then Click on assignment.
    Then click on view all submissions
    You can see the list of students who are all submitted and who are all not submitted. Then go for grading and we can give comments for the student.

    After grading students can view their grade and comment
    Here he can see the comments .
    in Grade tab he can view the grade.
    Moodle LMS have many benefits

    1. User-friendly Interface

    2. Ease of Integration(It can integrate in Apache server)

    3. Content Management

    4. Ease of Access

    5. Blended Learning Features

    6. Assessment and Testing

    7. Reporting and Tracking

    8. Security