Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Firebase and Google Domain

Firebase and Google Domain

Host your site on Firebase 

If you bought a google domain  . How to connect Google Domain and Firebase . 

  1. Logon Firebase Console
  2. Click on Hosting 
  3. Then you can see Connect custom Domain  
  5. enter your domain name 
  6. Then Verification 
  7. You can see A Records under quick set up 
  8. Copy "A" records 
  9. Logon your Google Domain 
  10. Manage DNS
  11. Paste the records under custom resource records 
  12. There is 2 records  so please use ADD button 
  13. Then come back to Firebase console 
  14. First status may be pending
  15. After few hours You search your domain name
  16. At that time you can check your status on Firebase console 
  17. You can see a success status